I’m so excited to finally share this news with you guys! It has been the toughest secret to keep and now I can let you in on alllll the details! We sold our house in Regina, we both resigned from our jobs and we are moving to Lethbridge and building a house! Whew, that feels good to finally say out loud.
Okay, so a little bit of back story.
This all started back in the summer. For a while, we had been feeling the pull to move. Johnny has been asked to travel a lot for his current job and that was something we were ready to be done with, we also wanted to be closer to a major city because we hope to travel more and it’s not very convenient to travel when living in Saskatchewan. And neither of us have family in Saskatchewan – his are in Alberta and mine are all the way out east in New Brunswick so we are not overly rooted here in Sask. There were a handful of other reasons as well but I won’t bore you with all that.
Why Lethbridge?
When we first started chatting about a potential move, we didn’t really have a specific destination in mind but we knew we were ready for a change. We tossed around a few different locations – mainly in Alberta and BC. Then one-time last summer while we were visiting Johnny’s brother, we added Lethbridge to the list of possibilities. It’s actually quite a beautiful city, it’s close to the mountains, close to Calgary, and it’s a lower cost of living than Regina. In the Fall, Johnny had an opportunity to interview for a company in Lethbridge and he was offered a job – the company agreed to defer his start date till this Spring when my current contract came to an end.
So that began a string of events that brings us to today! We listed our house back in November and oh man, listing your house during a pandemic in the middle of Saskatchewan winter is no fun – many evenings after work were spent sitting in our car with Soph, eating takeout dinner because we couldn’t go anywhere or cook dinner on the nights we had viewings. So glad that is behind us and I’m thankful our house sold for exactly what we were hoping to get for it.
And now that brings us to the fun part!!
We had been watching the housing market in Lethbridge for the last few months – we did a handful of “virtual” viewings and none of the houses we were seeing felt right. We decided to chat with a couple of builders and look into that as an option and the more we learned and considered that option, the more confident we felt that that was the way for us to go. And the way things have been lining up over the last while have been pretty incredible. A couple of weeks ago, we decided to just start the building process in faith that our house here in Regina would sell by the time we needed it to. We signed the contract to start the build and literally 5 minutes later we got and accepted the perfect offer on our house. It’s all felt quite serendipitous to be honest.
Our build should be done sometime in June/July and we will be heading to Lethbridge mid-March. Our plan is to rent a place for a couple of months and then our house will be ready to move into by the summer. I will share more details of this process in the days to come – we are doing a ready-made floor model with a few adaptations and we get to choose all of the finishes. That’s the part I’m most excited about! You better believe I will be sharing all of my inspiration and ideas in the days to come. I’ve already been on a bit of a Pinterest rampage so feel free to follow along over there if you want to have a peak into my design dreams and brain.
And the last part of this puzzle is my work.
After many years of working for agencies and non-profits, I have decided to start a private counselling practice. I am in the midst of that process as well. I have been working with a business consultant and will continue to for the next couple of months and am loving this experience so much. I cannot wait to start my own business and will be sharing more of that in the days ahead too.
Wow – so many updates! If you have read this far, thank you! I can’t wait to share Gingerdeb House 2.0 with you all.