December is a month when many of us feel overwhelmed, busy and stretched thing. More commitments, more to-do’s, and potentially preparing for time off around the holidays can add a lot to our plates. As we move into this new month, I was reflecting on practices I’ve learned that bring calm and thought it might be a helpful resource to share ten ways to cultivate rest during the holidays.
Whether you’re going to visit family for the holidays, staying at home, or you’re juggling a full schedule, these skills can be used anywhere.
Create a space that feels safe and nurturing for you.
If at home, focus on bringing calm into your space and making it a haven from the busy. I wrote a whole blog post on how to make your home feel like a safe haven, you can read that here if you want some ideas. If you’re going to be travelling and visiting family for the holidays, consider bringing a few comforts for the room you’re sleeping in. A few ideas could be a blanket or pillow you love, a candle that comforts, cozy slippers.
Practice turning inward and cultivating safety and rest from within.
You have sole ownership of your internal world so no matter what is going on around you, this is your space to take care of and prioritize. With practice, you can learn to cultivate rest from within through practices such as deep breathing, meditation, restorative yoga, and body scans.
Practice saying “no” and setting boundaries.
You are allowed to say no to an event, a request, a task, or a get-together. Read that again if you need to. Sometimes this might also mean tuning into that FOMO (fear of missing out) that’s coming up. One way to counter those thoughts is through affirmations – stating something like “my friends will still love and value me even if I don’t meet up with them this time, I need and deserve rest in this moment”.
Schedule a restorative day or evening and plan out activities that leave you feeling rested and recharged.
For some, this might be an evening of Netflix and wine by yourself; whereas, for others, it might look like planning something with a friend who you feel completely at ease with and recharged after spending time together. Think about what feels like a breathe of fresh air for you in the midst of overwhelm and then plan to do that.
Prioritize sleep to cultivate rest.
Sleep is one of the pillars of feeling well and when we aren’t getting the sleep we need, everything feels heavier and more overwhelming. Be protective of your sleep and try not to commit to multiple get-togethers or events in a row where your sleep will be sacrificed.
Take a 5 minute pause and reset at gatherings.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all of the socializing, it’s okay to step away for a few minutes. Go to the bathroom, step outside or even go and sit in your car for a few minutes if that would be helpful. A change of scenery and a few deep breaths can ground you and help you feel more prepared to return to the group.
Savour the feeling of checking things off your to-do list.
One of the things that we often forget to do is to notice our accomplishments. When you’ve crossed one or two things off the list in a day that is jam-packed, pause and allow yourself to feel proud for a moment. This fosters feelings of self-confidence and self-satisfaction.
Start your day on a slow note.
This might look like waking up 15 minutes earlier in order to be up before everyone else. But giving yourself that time to just be is powerful before the demands of the day begin.
Schedule breaks into your day.
Whether this is pausing to eat a meal technology free, getting up and going for a five minute walk, or setting reminders to drink water. These micro-moments of rest and pouring into yourself are a long-term investment.
Consume less social media.
When we’re already feeling overstimulated and overwhelmed in our real life, social media will only add to that. If your days and weeks are busier and involve more time spent with family, friends, and co-workers, it might be the perfect time to do a social media detox or set some boundaries around time spent on those apps.
Stock up on easy to make but nutritious food for the month.
December typically holds a lot of get-togethers and indulging. A great way to balance that out is by being intentional to fuel your body well when you’re at home. Perhaps consider prepping a few healthy freezer meals or doing a weekly produce run to make sure you’re getting those nutrients. You know what food makes you feel your best, so prioritize that when at home as a form of caring for yourself.