It can be easy to fall into a rut when it comes to free-time. Next thing you know and summer has come to an end and you’ve spent more hours watching Netflix than you meant to. Here’s a summer bucket list with 35 things to do to make this your best summer yet.
Go camping for a weekend.
I wouldn’t consider myself much of an outdoors[wo]man, but we went camping last week and it was actually quite peaceful and relaxing. There’s just something about being unplugged and spending time in nature that truly recharges you. Highly recommend.
Visit a local brewery and have a beer on the patio.
This something I look forward to every summer. I love trying a flight of local beer – it’s so fun to taste test and find a new favourite. Bonus that it supports a local spot.
Search for a drive-in movie nearby.
Oh the nostalgia! This one is a true throw-back but such a special activity to add into the mix. Go and pick up a bunch of indulgent snacks – popcorn, candy, chocolate, the works. Make sure to also pack blankets so it’s extra cozy.
Host a backyard rosé hangout.
Since moving to our new city, I’ve made it a goal to host more. A backyard rosé hang is an easy thing to invite a new or old friend over for – maybe even start a book club and have a theme for the hangout.
Spend an entire day getting lost in a great book.
Know that feeling when you let yourself get totally lost in a book from start to finish? The best. If you’re looking for a recommendation for your next read, you can find a list I just put together here.
Go for a walk at a park or trail you don’t typically visit.
I tend to become a creature of habit when it comes to daily walks but try going for a walk at a new spot!
Have a beach day.
Pack a cooler with drinks and snacks, grab your floaty and a book, and head to the beach!
Drive to a nearby town and spend the day playing tourist.
There are often hidden gems so close to where you live that you never try. If you’re like me and you’re craving travel, give this one a try! You might just find a new favourite spot to eat or a cute antique store.
Visit a local greenhouse and walk around.
You can simply window shop and grow your knowledge of plant-care or you can bring home a new plant baby. Also, don’t be afraid to ask the staff questions about varieties, care, etc. I’ve learned a lot that way!
Make floral ice cubes.
This is such an easy way to bring a bit of extra seasonal love to your next drink. You can see the ones I made here with my tips and links to the products I used.
Go to the local farmer’s market.
If there’s a time to visit the market, it’s now! Everything is fresh, there are so many varieties and options and it’s nice to get outside!
Build up to running a 5k.
I’m the first to admit that I have historically not been a fan of running. But in the Spring, I downloaded the Couch to 5k app and it made it so much more manageable! I actually semi-enjoyed running by the time I built up to the 5k. The app is really helpful because it runs in the background of your music or podcast but gives run/walk prompts. You run three times a week and slowly build up the walk/run ratio until you run a 5k.
Pick up dinner from a local restaurant and have a picnic.
Our local restaurants need this more than ever and it makes for a great date-night (with a significant other, a friend, or yourself!).
Spend the day hiking.
Research hikes nearby where you live – when you google this, you can sort by the difficulty level that you’re comfortable. I’m generally an “easy” -level hiker but you can do whatever fits for you!
Visit a local ice cream shop and choose your favourite flavour.
Is it even a summer bucket list if you don’t experience sticky ice cream fingers? Going to a local ice cream shop always feels like the epitome of summer to me.
Go for a drive – roll your windows down and crank a great summer playlist.
There’s just something about a drive in the warmer months. You can listen to my favourite summer playlist if you want all the feel-good summer vibes.
Spend an afternoon organizing something in your home you’ve thought about tackling for a long time.
This one maybe isn’t as fun as some of the other options but it will leave you feeling accomplished and a bit more clear-minded. On summer days when it’s too rainy or hot to be outside, this is the perfect project to tackle.
Try a class at a local fitness studio.
As things have been slowly opening back out, it’s a great time to try out a new class. These places have been shut down for a long time and many are hurting, so if you’ve been on the fence about trying one out now is the time!
Go skinny dipping.
There is truly nothing that feels more free than going skinny dipping. Grab a girlfriend and head to the beach one night!
Grab iced coffees and go for a walk.
I have been living for Mcdonald’s $1 iced coffees this summer. Grab one and head to a nearby park for a stroll.
Go to a U-Pick berry farm.
This is something I loved to do with my mom as a kid. It’s so nice to meander through the berry fields, picking your own. When you get home, research recipes to use up all your berries. Maybe even surprise a friend with fresh-baked goods to spread the love.
Fertilize all of your plants – summer is the perfect time to do this.
Spring and summer are when you should be fertilizing your plants. These are the seasons of growth and you’ll notice a difference right away when new growth starts sprouting up.
Have a bonfire and make s’mores.
Sweet, sticky, indulgent s’mores. I don’t know what it is about sitting around a bonfire and visiting but it brings out some of the best conversations. You can’t go through an entire summer without adding this one to the summer bucket list.
Get all dressed up and go for a date night.
Throw on a flirty dress and a pair of cute sandals and go for dinner at a local spot. Tis the season for patio dining.
Spend a Saturday morning hitting up garage sales in your area.
Sometimes the best gems are found in someone else’s garage. Keep an eye out for furniture pieces the have potential – it’s amazing what sanding and staining or a quick coat of paint can do.
Visit a local floral farm and make your own arrangement.
I follow a ridiculous number of flower farms on Instagram and honestly, can’t believe how many are nearby our city! This is a great way to learn about flower varieties and support a local farm at the same time. And then you’re left with a beautiful bouquet to enjoy all week long.
Attend an outdoor concert or festival.
Grab a big blanket and set up on the grass for an afternoon or evening. We attended Folk Fest in our city a couple years back and I still have the happiest feelings looking back on that weekend.
Grow an herb garden.
Indoors or outdoors both work! My favourites to include are: mint, basil, parsley and chives. But add in whatever you think you would use most.
Try out tie-dye.
You can choose something small (socks, hat) or something bigger (t-shirt, matching hoodie & sweats) and just go for it. Most craft stores carry tie-dye kits with all the instructions and supplies you need.
Find a local winery and go for a tasting.
Throw on a flowy dress and a big hat and visit a winery. It’s so fun to learn about the vineyard, the process and then sample the wine they make. Also feels a bit boujee if that’s your thing.
Go to a baseball game (make sure to get a hotdog!).
I’m a firm believer that baseball games and hotdogs go together like pb & j. I don’ even like baseball but I LOVE going to baseball games. Everyone is just so happy to be there, the snacks are great and you get to sit outside for a couple hours.
Fully unplug from electronics for a weekend.
We all need a little electronic detox here are there and what better time to do this than summer-time. Delete social media apps from you phone for 48 hours, put your laptop away and just be present in real life. I promise you’ll feel good afterwards.
Host a bbq – everyone can bring a side dish, salad or dessert.
A potluck of the summer variety but I swear everything tastes better on a grill. Invite a few friends over and spend an evening together.
Make a summer cocktail or pitcher of sangria at home.
I love experimenting with seasonal ingredients and this go’s for drinks as well. Search “summer cocktail” on Pinterest and next thing you know, the inspiration will be flowing!
Watch the sunset.
There is just something about a sunset in the summer. Look up what time sunset is near you and then go set up camp at a pretty spot and just savour it.
Bonus #36: make your own summer bucket list!
Choose some from this list or write one entirely your own. If you’re anything like me, nothing happens if it’s not made into a list. Pick a handful of things you want to do this summer and make your own summer bucket list. Write out each thing you want to do and then cross them off as you go!